So how many records do I have on the old spreadsheet at this point?
Oh, about 5000, not counting jazz and classical.
But don’t worry. I’m not about to go out and buy 5000 CDs. (But that would make one nifty Fathers Day present, wouldn’t it?)
And what’s there amongst the 5000?
Eighty percent of them have only mention, and tend to be very recent records. Most will never get another mention, but who knows which? Over time, some may show up again on some best of the decade or All time Best List. It’s not likely, but who cares when the sky (65k rows, actually) is the limit? I’ll be there, waiting. I’ve got (some) time (left).
So I look to those records that keep getting mentioned over and over again and wonder if I’d like them.
About fifteen percent (750) of them have two mentions. If they’re brand new, I may take a chance on them. Sometimes I‘ll get burned by “flavors of the year” - they show up here, think they’re hot stuff, but never move on. If I hold off on them, many will just sit here and rot.
About 3 percent (150) have three mentions. Now we’re talking respectable! You’re making a name for yourself and not just in your own neighborhood. I’m watching.
Less than 1 percent (36) have four mentions. Hmmm. Very Serious. You’re officially “sanctioned”. Not always a good thing. But I have to really start thinking about you. If I haven’t gotten you already, it’s probably because I hate you on principle.
Only 27 have five mentions. I almost have no choice at this point. You are liked by young and old, gay/staight and maybe more than one race. If I’ve not gotten you it’s because I’ve already gotten too much by you already, or you’re in a genre I’m under-appreciating, like hip hop.
There are twelve CDs with 6 mentions. Buying you feels less like a joy than an obligation. I may have heard too much of you already. When I do get these CDs they tend to be a letdown.
There are eight CDs with 7 mentions. You’re in the canon, I guess. And maybe a bit too established for me to bother going there. And I may have already heard enough of you on the radio.
There are only three with 8 mentions. Maybe it’s time for me to try hip hop again. Notorious BIG here I come.
And nine mentions? Just you, Ms. Lauryn Hill. You’ve probably got a brilliant album I just don’t think I’ll appreciate.
But what I’m not mentioning are all the ones that I’ve bought along the way. I’ve done it for those with as few as one mention (or even none, as in the case of favorites from my teen years) because it just “felt” right. And as you can see, I’ve held off on some that I’ve practically got people stopping me in the street urging me to buy.
So Jaybee, you might ask, what’s going on in that head of yours?
Next: What’s going in that head of mine.
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