Albums were the novels of the sixties and seventies, and we used to live for the great ones, which seemed to be in plentiful supply at the time. The good news is that they still are. It’s just that with so many records being made now, and in so many different genres, finding the great ones very challenging. That’s one of the reasons for this blog – to help you find the needles in the haystack.
Sometimes, when I go into a record store like J&R, I look around at the thousands of albums around me and realize that I’ll never get to hear 99% of them. I’ll also be the first to admit that most of them either suck or just wouldn’t appeal to me. But even if that were true of 99% of them (and it isn’t) there would be more albums than I could ever get to know. So stop worrying about whether or not good music exists. It does. Let me help you find some.
And a good thing, too, because it turns out that it’s his own music that merits our attention. Armed with a fragile voice and what I have to describe as an orchestra with wings (you have to be there) “Illinois ” is one of the most tuneful albums I’ve heard in years. It’s supposedly about the state of Illinois (sounds real promising, doesn’t it?), and with an album already out about Michigan , the remaining 48 states are apparently on his to-do list.
The album alternates between the very quiet and the orchestral. with several short musical interludes that unify the record. His whisper of a voice and insistent melodies do the rest.
He starts off very gently - maybe too gently - with “UFO Sighting”. (Since you could mistake the song titles for a lyric sheet, I’ve abbreviated them.) The pace ebbs and flows until it hits a plateau made up of one of the best song sequences on any album:
“Jacksonville ”, where the woozy violin should be irritating, but is hypnotic instead.
“Decatur ”, about a step mom who deserved better than she got.
“Chicago ”, which may be the song of the decade.
“Casimir Pulaski Day”, a close second, about teenage love and cancer, which could have been sappy, but due to it’s understated delivery, is devastating instead.
“Casimir Pulaski Day”, a close second, about teenage love and cancer, which could have been sappy, but due to it’s understated delivery, is devastating instead.
Now playing: Sufjan Stevens - Chicago
via FoxyTunes
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